

Weekly Newsletter

The LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce weekly e-newsletter is a weekly email blast sent to over 5,000 professional contacts, both members and future members of the Chamber. It features information about upcoming Chamber events, member news, and community happenings.


  • Spotlight Ad (1 week) – $75
  • Spotlight Ad (3 weeks) – $175
  • Basic Ad (1 week) – $60
  • Basic Ad (3 weeks) – $150
Future Members
  • Spotlight Ad (1 week) – $150
  • Spotlight Ad (3 weeks) – $350
  • Basic Ad (1 week) – $120
  • Basic Ad (3 weeks) – $240

Submit an ad and it will appear in the Community News section of the weekly e-newsletter. Limited availability.

  • Overall Dimensions
  • 1000px width x 500px height
  • File type
  • PNG, JPG, or GIF (animation compatible)
  • All ads are hyperlinked.

Submit an ad and it will appear within the newsletter where space is available. Limited availability.

  • Overall dimensions
    300px width by 600px height
  • File type
    PNG, JPG, or GIF (animation compatible)
  • All ads are hyperlinked.

Social Media

The LAX Coastal Chamber has over 4,000+ followers on social media with steady engagement, likes, and shares to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. Find the Chamber online @laxcoastal and #yourlocalchamber.


  • Social Media Post (1) – $40
  • Social Media Post (3) – $100
  • Social Media Post (1 week, 1 per day) – $150
Future Members
  • Social Media Post (1) – $80
  • Social Media Post (3) – $200
  • Social Media Post (1 week, 1 per day) – $300

Submit a social media post and the Chamber will repost it on their Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn Accounts.

Social media posts can include imagery, hyperlinks, websites, hastags, “tags”, and more as the advertiser requests.

Social media posts will be published during business hours at the Chamber’s discretion unless otherwise requested by the advertiser.

  • Overall Dimensions
    See official Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn for design requirements and limitations.
  • File type
    PNG or JPG
  • All Facebook posts can be hyperlinked. Please note that Instagram does not support web links.

Interested in submitting a social media post?

Need Help with your design?

LAX Coastal Magazine & Business Guide

Each year, we publish The LAX Coastal Magazine & Business Guide as a resource for our members and neighbors.

We offer a variety of advertising solutions for both members and non-members. To reserve space in the 2024 LAX Coastal Magazine, please contact our Ad Sales Representative.


Hosting an official LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce Promotional Ceremony offers you the opportunity to celebrate your grand opening or memorialize an anniversary, as well as spread the message of your business with friends, clients, and the local community.

Basic Package

$150 (Available Mon-Fri)

Chamber representatives will visit your location for a celebratory ceremony of your choice and will provide a congratulatory LAX Coastal Chamber proclamation. Additional perks: event and company information will be added to the Chamber’s calendar at, event will be included in our weekly e-newsletter (over 2,800+ sent every Wednesday), a photo opportunity will be posted on our social media and sent to your organization.

Businesses are encouraged to include additional entertainment alongside the promotional ceremony to attract a larger audience.

Publicity Package

$350 (Available Mon-Fri)

All perks of the Basic Package, plus: company will receive a digital set of mailing labels (mailing address of all 625+ current Chamber members) for direct mail promotion, Chamber will distribute an official event press release to local papers and news outlets before your event date, and company owner/manager will be presented with an official framed LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce Proclamation at the time of the event.

Businesses are encouraged to include additional entertainment alongside the promotional ceremony to attract a larger audience.

Sponsorship Opportunities

The LAX Coastal Chamber is a proud cog within the LAX Coastal community, aspiring to lead by example and spread community spirit. Each year we offer a wide array of events that not only target local businesses and encourage professional growth, but also inspire outreach and honor the men, women and businesses that are actively improving our region.

Every event offers a new sponsorship opportunity to help local leaders (just like you!) display their support and engagement to the LAX Coastal Chamber and Los Angeles area.


Certificate of Origin


The LAX Coastal Chamber of Commerce is a recognized institution for Certificates of Origin for companies within Los Angeles, California and nearby communities.

Mailing Labels


For companies looking to celebrate a special event and wishing to invite all 700+ current LAX Coastal Chamber members, purchase our LAX Coastal Chamber member mailing list! Feel free to send them all a postcard and invite them to your event.

The Chamber does not provide email address information.